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Excerpts from VFT's Newsletter:


By Mandy Gibbons


I have received a few requests from men and women for circuits that can be performed at the gym, making use of free weights and machines.

Tip: If your gym is really busy you may like to perform this workout during a more quiet period or time slot. There's nothing worse than having someone hog the gym equipment when you need to use it.

Depending on your fitness...

Stay within around 60% - 80% of your maximum heart rate. To get your maximum heart rate subtract your age from 220. Then calculate 60% of this total then 80%.
220 - 35 (age) = 185
60% x 185 = 111
80% x 185 = 148

Take your pulse for a count of 10 seconds and it should be between 18.5 (111 divided by 6) and 24.6 (148 divided by 6)

For your resistance or weights aim for between 50% - 80% of your one rep maximum.



Warm-up for 10 mins using your favorite cardio machine or activity.

1. Walking Lunges            15 each leg
2. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown    12 reps
3. Machine Bench Press       12 reps
4. Incline Reverse Crunches 12 reps
5. Barbell Bicep Curl        12 reps
6. Jump Rope                  2 minutes
7. Cable Tricep Pressdowns   12 reps
8. Standing Calf Machine Raises   12 reps
9. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Raises 12 reps

Cool down for 10 mins using your favorite cardio machine or activity. Then perform your stretches.


Warm-up for 10 mins using your favorite cardio machine or activity.

1. Leg Press                  15 reps
2. Narrow-Grip PullUp Machine 12 reps
3. Dumbbell Bench Flyes       12 reps
4. Abdominal Crunches         12 reps
5. Dumbbell Hammer Curl       12 reps
6. Bike or Treadmill        2 minutes
7. Machine Tricep Dips        12 reps
8. Step Ups on Bench          20 reps
9. Barbell Upright Rows       12 reps

Cool down for 10 mins using your favorite cardio machine or activity. Then perform your stretches.

(see guide below...)

Perform your circuit once, taking your time to ensure you've completed your exercises with correct technique. Keep your weights light.

Once you've got used to the circuit you can repeat it, making sure you take a short rest of up to 1 minute, or more if you need to, before performing the circuit again.
Repeat up to 3 times total! Rest for 45 - 60 seconds then repeat circuit. Kept strict form.

Repeat up to 4 times. Rest for 45 - 60 seconds then repeat circuit. Kept strict form.

Note: Do not lift or push any weights above heart level if you have any blood pressure problems or heart conditions. If at any time you feel sick, dizzy or suffer severe muscle soreness stop and seek medical advise.
These circuits may not suit everyone. Before starting any new eating plan or exercise program you should always consult with your doctor first.

© Mandy Gibbons
Virtual Fitness Trainer

IMPORTANT: The above workout is an excerpt from my newsletter. It is provided free on this site but does not include support or customization.

Persons who are of good health, suspect of their health or are aware of any conditions, physical deficiencies or diseases should always consult a physician before undertaking any eating or exercise program. Mandy Gibbons Virtual Fitness Trainer, and disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the above content, programs, links or advice given in this newsletter or in this document.



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