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ABDOMINALS - The Truth on How to Achieve a Toned Tummy and Slim Waistline

by Mandy Gibbons


It often seems like the hardest thing in the world to do: "Reducing your waistline and toning your abdominal region". People all over the world spend thousands of dollars per day attempting to accomplish the "SIX PACK". I have regular requests asking for advice and quick fixes to remedy the storing of body fat around the waistline and how to create a firm toned midsection.

The Truth about achieving a toned tummy and being able to actually see that "muscle tone" is to reduce the layer of body fat covering your abdominals. That's right! It doesn't matter how many crunches you do, or what new machine you use from the continuous advertisements that hound us day in and day out. If you don't cut back your body fat you will never see those strong toned abdominals.

Spot Reduction - A Fallacy!

You cannot spot reduce. Although you can change areas of your body with resistance exercise e.g.. weight training techniques like toning, body shaping and body building etc. You cannot just train or exercise one body part alone, such as your abs, and expect to see a whole new look. Achieving a six pack or muscle tone in your abdominal area is a lot more involved and I intend to show you how to go about reaching your new slim and toned waistline by following a few simple steps and hints..

A familiar tune...

As I mentioned above I frequently receive emails of desperation with requests such as "I am happy with the rest of my body, but my wide and fatty waistline ruins my body shape. Can you give me just one exercise that will fix this". Or "I have a special occasion coming up and I want to reduce my waistline, can you recommend a supplement and some crunches that will make me lose 10 kilos around my waist within the next 6 weeks?" And "I perform 200 crunches per day and I still don't see any difference in my waistline, what am I doing wrong?"

One More Thing Before We get Started - Don't Rely On Gimmicks !

One thing I am very concerned about is the fact that most of us want to believe that some miraculous piece of equipment, or pills, will give us that toned tummy that the sexy girls and guys have in the ads for these types of products. Believe me, before I started in the fitness industry years ago I also thought if I spent hundreds of dollars it would work for me too. I was so upset when I found out that I actually had to work really hard at it and there was no such miracle cure or quick fix solution.

The Difference Between Firming Up Your Abs and Reducing Your Body Fat Around Your Waistline

Now that you know that the only way to trim down your waistline is to reduce the amount of body fat around that particular area you are probably thinking "where do I go from here?". First you need to realise that a slim waist doesn't necessarily mean that you have a toned midsection. As you know, to firm up your abdominal area you need to perform crunches or some kind of resistance abdominal program. Many men and women do have slimmer waists or flat stomachs, but they can still lack tone and firmness. This where the "resistance training" comes in.

"Why does my Waistline Grow Instead of Shrink when I Perform Crunches?"


One of the most common reasons that I have found for this occurring is a diet full of fat, calories: from sugar foods and junk food and too many starchy carbs towards the end of the day. Most people think that if they perform a few crunches every day their waistline will magically turn into a six pack! WRONG! How could you possibly expect to achieve a six pack when you are consuming foods that are increasing the actual layer of bodyfat that prevents the ab muscles from being seen in the first place?

I know this sounds harsh but if you want to have a waistline or abs that look like you've put the effort in to produce them then that's exactly what YOU are going to have to do. If you are eating all of the wrong foods while increasing the muscle growth in your ab region you are actually "bulking up" this area. Why? Because you will have an increase in both muscle and bodyfat - which will therefore increase your measurements.

"So how can I Firm Up my Abs and Reduce My Waistline too?"

If you read through the steps below you will grasp a better understanding of how to attain the above goals. In no time you can get started on improving your training program to help you achieve the waistline you've always dreamed of having.

Steps / Hints to Help Set You on the Right Track to Getting Started on Your New Ab Program

When you read through the following steps and hints you will most probably find that there are quite a few of them that you aren't currently following or didn't know about. For each step I have included a list of things you need to remember when training your abdominals. I have tried to keep it brief but informative. You may like to use the following steps / hints like a checklist so you can remember each point when starting your NEW ABS program.

1. Resistance Training Program

  • Train your lower abdominals first
  • Breath out as you crunch up.
  • If you have your hands behind your neck, make sure you keep your elbows back, and crunch up using your shoulders. (This will help prevent neck soreness)
  • Keep your lower back pushed into the floor or bench.
    Note: I know that some people don't agree with this but unless you are advanced, and have sufficient abdominal and lower back strength, (or have a personal trainer or exercise therapist that is spotting you) and can ensure that you're performing the exercise safely, you shouldn't be performing exercises that encourage you to excessively arch your back. Exercises like this are not for "newbies" that are just starting out training their abdominals.
    If you're on your own and find in general that your back arches considerably when performing just basic ab exercises then keep your knees bent and closer to your body so that your lower back is pushing into the floor or bench. Using a fitball (also referred to as exercise ball or swissball) can be of great assistance when it comes to supporting your lower back.
  • When starting out (beginners)...
    a. Don't overtrain your abs. Three quality training sessions per week is ample when you're new to training your abs - otherwise you'll be struggling to move around due to those sore previously unused muscles. Remember muscle needs recovery time to repair and grow. It's muscle growth that increases your muscle in your midsection. Overtraining will actually deplete the muscle instead of increasing it.
    To keep things simple focus on performing your ab exercises on your cardio days or on non-weight training days.
    b. Don't go overboard with performing loads of repetitions. Rather than trying to achieve 5 x 100 crunches per exercise, hold for a count of 2-3, each rep you perform using 3 sets (per exercise) x 20-25 burning reps. This will help you reach better results. Your goal is to damage the muscle to promote muscle growth for increased muscle tone - that is when you reduce your body fat - so you've actually got nice strong abs to show off! As you progress over the following months you can aim for 4-5 counts per rep, that is as long as it doesn't place a strain on your neck or lower back.
  • More advanced...
    a. You can train your abs 5 days per week. Aim for 5 sets per exercise, holding each rep for a count of 3, performing 25 plus reps per set. This is for advanced folk only remember... so your abs should already be strong... meaning that you can perform more challenging - but safe - abdominal exercises. Why train them in this manner? Because you've already built a solid foundation so you can then taper your midsection depleting the muscle to create a more tighter compact package. Keep this for times when you know you really want to be super trim e.g. holiday, wedding, school reunion... to help shock your ab muscles.
  • Don' t just train your abs. You need to be performing a full-body program rather than only concentrating on your abdominal region. Direct your attention to training each body part so that you can a achieve a "toned and firm look" all over.
  • If you're including lower back exercises in your routine try performing your ab exercises first. Why? Because if you fatigue your lower back muscles first then move onto ab exercises you're more than likely going to battle to complete quality reps for your abs - which can put unnecessary strain on your lower back. Note to self... perform abs first, then perform lower back exercises.

2. Low-Fat Eating Program

  • Reduce your fat content in your meals.
  • Do not cook with oil, use a low fat cooking spray instead.
  • Reduce, and I mean really cut back, on your fried foods
  • Reduce your margarine and butter usage to only a small amount or none at all
  • Increase lean protein (to help feed your muscles and support repair and growth)
  • Eat fresh salads and veggies
  • Towards the end of the day reduce your intake of carbs like potato, rice, pasta, cereals and bread. Still include them in your meals towards the beginning of the day but don't pig out on them - and consume the brown ones rather than the white ones... oh... and aim for low GI fruit as well.
  • Don't use fatty gravies on your meals or meat, use very low oil or no oil gravies instead
  • Don't use oily salad dressings, go for low oil or no oil with them as well.
  • Check the fat content on the labels of tins and cans
  • Cut all the fat off your meat and grill it.
  • Eat five to six meals smaller regular meals per day rather than having one or two large meals per day.
  • Always have breakfast!
  • Use egg whites rather than eggs with yolks. You can actually purchase egg whites in cartons, they can normally be found in the freezer section of your supermarket. Two egg whites = 1 whole egg, if you want to use egg whites in your recipes.
  • Have one day off your eating program per week. That doesn't mean you've got the green pass to go to "all you can eat" breakfasts, lunch and dinners all day either. It just means go and treat yourself to a meal or brunch etc.
  • If you have trouble keeping up with your protein intake use low-fat, low carbohydrate, high protein drinks and powders. There are some great flavours ranging from vanilla, chocolate, banana, strawberry etc. Purchase a shake that is easy to mix and has quality protein content. You can use these as a morning or afternoon snack.

To read more about the benefits of protein and why you need it to help you reach your training goals click here .

3 Cardio Program

To reduce your midsection, and the rest of your body, of that extra body fat, you will need to increase your cardiovascular exercise.

  • Vary your cardio times for each session
  • Vary the intensity
  • Increase the amount of sessions you perform each week - don't over do it though. Over training eg. cardio twice per day 7 days per week is classified as over training and will deplete your muscle. For a faster metabolism 3-4 times per week is suitable when starting out (beginners). For a slow metabolism, or for those times when you really need to nip that body fat in the bud, 5-6 times per week will give a good kick-start to losing body fat.
  • Alternate between your cardio activities to help prevent plateauing. Make a list of 3-4 that you find work the most effectively and swap between them.
  • Use cardio machines and activities that include you using your upper and lower body.
  • Perform your cardio before breakfast to encourage your body to burn away at your stored body fats. Some people find that they train more efficiently in the afternoon or evening (because they're not morning people or are too rushed in the mornings) this is fine also - you'll need a good 1.5 hours time span, previous to your cardio, from your last meal. Not just for the benefit of burning fat but because you'll probably feel sick if you don't. Perform your cardio on an empty stomach. Inbetween meals or first thing in the morning.
  • Don't perform cardio for any longer than 45 - 50 mins each session maximum!


ABS Exercises

1. a. Floor Crunches - Lie flat on your back on the floor, legs bent, feet flat, pushing your lower back into the floor. Clasp your hands behind your neck, keeping your elbows back, in line with your head. Crunch up slightly, raising your head and shoulders, breathing out as you crunch. As you crunch up push your lower back into the floor and squeeze your tummy as tight as possible. Lower your head and shoulders back down to the floor and repeat. You should feel a burning sensation in your upper tummy area and midsection.


1. b. Fitball Abdominal Crunch - Lie on a fitball with your hips, lower and middle back all supported. With your feet on the floor, have your knees / legs bent at a right angle (90 degrees). Clasp your hands lightly behind your neck. Raise your shoulders and chest to crunch up lifting your mid back off the ball. (You can also have your arms crossed at your chest, hands resting on opposite shoulders). Keep your lower back and hips on the ball. NOTE: Make sure that when you position your legs at a right angle that your knees stay in line with your ankles.

2. a. Lower Ab Crunches - Lie flat on your back on the floor, legs raised, knees bent and lower legs folded. Push your lower back into the floor. Place your hands by your sides, palms facing the floor. Raise your backside and hips slightly, breathing out at the same time. As you crunch up push your lower back into the floor and squeeze the lower section of your tummy (pelvis region) as tight as possible. Lower your hips and backside back down to the floor and repeat. You should feel a burning sensation in your lower tummy area and upper pelvis.


2. b. Fitball Pull-ins - Lie face down on a ball now roll forward so that your feet and shins are on the ball. Place your arms in a push-up position with your hands inline with your shoulders. (It looks a little like an advanced push-up on the fitball) Keeping your back straight pull your knees towards you, rolling the ball forward, (like you're going to tuck your bent legs under you) - your thighs / knees (depending on your fitness) should be fairly close to your chest. Contract your abs while pulling the ball in towards you then release and roll the ball back out behind you to starting position.

3. a. Side Crunches
Lie flat on your back on the floor, have your knees bent and legs pointed to one side. Your lower body should be pointing to the side but your upper body should remain straight and flat on the floor. Have your hands by the sides of your head and your elbows back. Crunch up slightly pushing your lower back into the floor, raising your head and shoulders, squeezing the side of your waist. Lower your head and shoulders back down to the floor. Repeat the exercise until you have finished your reps. Then change to the other side.


3. b. Fitball Oblique Crunch - Lie on a fitball with your hips, lower and middle back all supported. With feet on the floor, have your knees / legs bent at a right angle (90 degrees). Clasp your hands lightly behind your neck - keep your elbows back. Raise your shoulder towards your opposite hip crunching diagonally (contracting your abs) lifting your mid back off the ball. Keep your lower back and hips on the ball. Then lower yourself to starting position. Now swap sides.

Setting Yourself Some Goals

Achieving a toned, slimmer midsection is possible if you are prepared to make the above changes to your lifestyle. You will be surprised at the results you receive if you dedicate yourself for a solid 12 - 16 weeks. The hardest part is getting started, but once you are on your way you won't regret it. Set yourself monthly realistic goals that are possible to reach. Use goal clothing or a tape measure to monitor your changing waistline. Re-measure every 4-6 weeks. Don't forget about the good ol' fat calipers too.

Happy training folks,

Yours in fun, health and fitness

© Mandy Gibbons
Virtual Fitness Trainer

Persons who are of good health, suspect of their health or are aware of any conditions, physical deficiencies or diseases should always consult a physician before undertaking any eating or exercise program. Mandy Gibbons, Virtual Fitness Trainer, and disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the above program or advice given in this article.

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